RIDDOR Level 2 (VTQ)
About the Course
RIDDOR is a set of regulations that require you to report workplace injuries, disease, and dangerous occurrences. Before 6 April 2012, these regulations did not include emergencies like fires or injuries caused by accidents. RIDDOR stands for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences.
If you are injured in the workplace or if a dangerous occurrence occurs at work, you must report the incident to your supervisor as soon as possible. You may also need to report the incident to the police. If you are diagnosed with a workplace injury, you must tell your supervisor as soon as possible. You may also need to tell the health and safety officer or doctor who treated you.
If you are diagnosed with a workplace disease, or if there is any chance that someone who carries the disease could spread it at work, you must report the incident to your supervisor as soon as possible. You may also need to tell the health and safety officer or doctor who treated you.
The amendments to RIDDOR are important because they ensure everyone's eyes are on the same page when reporting workplace accidents and health issues. The new changes mean fewer mistakes in reporting accidents and make workers feel more comfortable.
RIDDOR's over-three-day injury reporting requirement has changed. These changes are in the reporting time scale: any incident over seven days of illness includes the day of the accident. Incapacitation means "the employee is absent from work or is unable to do work that they would reasonably be expected to do as part of their normal work". Coronavirus COVID 19 and RIDDOR guidelines by the HSE are included.
RIDDOR's over-three-day injury reporting requirement has changed. These changes are in the reporting time scale: any incident over seven days of illness includes the day of the accident.
Incapacitation means "the employee is absent from work or is unable to do work that they would reasonably be expected to do as part of their normal work". Coronavirus COVID 19 and RIDDOR guidelines by the HSE are included.
RIDDOR has revolutionized workplace injuries through its intelligent, systematic approach to safety first development programs created by a team with knowledge in this field, backed up by reporting safety concerns or illnesses. A summary conviction may result in a fine of up to £400 for breaching the boundaries. If convicted on indictment in the Crown Court, an offender may be sentenced to an unlimited fine. Individuals or businesses may utilize the Sentencing Guidelines Council's sentencing practices, which are published. For example, Salford City Council was fined £115,000 in 2000 for breaking the regulations.
What will the RIDDOR course cover?
The RIDDOR course will cover the following topics:
-What is RIDDOR?
-How does it work?
-How do I report an injury or illness?
-When should I report an incident?
-Coronavirus 19 guideline.
Who can take the course?
The RIDDOR course is open to all employees in the UK.