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Risk Assessment Level 2 (VTQ)

Who can take this Course?

Health and Safety representatives, Employers, Managers, Employees to gain knowledge of the importance of risk assessing.


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VTQ Level 2

About the Course

Risk Assessment is a category used in the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's classification system for workplace safety. This designation is given to workplaces with a moderate risk of injury or illness from hazards that can occur during work activities. These include tasks and circumstances that commonly present risks of physical harm, such as contact with blood, body fluids, or sharp objects. Risk assessment level 2 facilities must implement comprehensive control measures to reduce the likelihood of these hazards occurring.

You will obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to perform Risk Assessments in your workplace.

The course aims to give you an understanding of the importance of risk assessment and current applicable legislation to promote awareness and understanding of what a hazard looks like. What the five steps of carrying out a risk assessment are, what the different control measures you must take and how these might be implemented?

This qualification is an introduction to the principles of Risk Assessment. You will learn why risk assessments are necessary, the legal requirements relating to risk assessments and simple systematic processes for carrying out a risk assessment. It is suitable for learners working in any environment who need to be more risk aware by raising their awareness of hazards in the workplace and the basic things they can do to control them. This qualification is for learners who need an introduction to the principles of Risk Assessment. In this course, you will learn why risk assessments are necessary, the legal requirements for risk assessments and simple systematic processes for carrying out a risk assessment. It is suitable for learners working in any environment who need to be more risk aware by raising their awareness of hazards in the workplace and gaining knowledge about how they can control them.

A risk assessment is a process of determining whether any hazards exist or may appear in the workplace. A risk assessment also determines which workplace hazards are likely to cause injuries to employees and visitors. The five types of risk assessment and when you might want to use them are Qualitative Risk Assessment, Generic Risk Assessment. Site-Specific Risk Assessment. and qualitative risk assessment. Risk assessments aim to improve workplace health and safety, but the risk assessment process must first identify workplace hazards and then reduce or eliminate their risks. Hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment, and risk characterization are the four components of the risk assessment process. Hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment, and risk characterization are the four components of the risk assessment process.16 May 2022 – 1. Overview: Identity what could cause injury or illness in your business (hazards ), determine how likely someone will be injured, and prioritize.

A risk assessment is a process of determining whether any hazards exist or may appear in the workplace. A risk assessment also determines which workplace hazards are likely to cause injuries to employees and visitors. A risk assessment is a systematic process that entails identifying, analyzing, and controlling hazards and risks, and a qualified person performs it. A systematic process of identifying hazards and evaluating any associated risks within a workplace is then implemented as a risk assessment.

Risk Assessment is a course led by trainers and available as a full day classroom or as an online video course. The goal of the course is to provide an understanding of the role of risk assessment, as well as to raise awareness and comprehension regarding what defines a danger, as well as different control procedures and how they might be applied. Candidates will understand the relevance of risk assessment, know what constitutes a danger, recognize the hierarchy of controls, and be able to conduct a risk assessment by the end of this course.

We will introduce the concepts of risk assessment through this qualification. The Risk Assessment course discusses why risk evaluations are required, the legal constraints employers must follow, and simple methods for conducting one. It's ideal for anybody who needs to be more risk aware by increasing their understanding of risk at work and the fundamental things they can do to manage it. It's great for employees in any occupation.

Learners who enrol in the Risk Course can take a regulated certificate. The accredited bodies have independently verified all our courses as meeting universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) standards, including a Certified CPD Statement, a Certificate, and an Evidence Based Learning statement for online courses.

The Risk Assessment Level 2 covers the following topics:

Define risk assessments.
What are the benefits of risk assessments?
The rationale behind assessing risks.
Risk Assessment
Define Hazards.
Define Accidents.
Lone Worker emergency planning and risk assessment.
How to carry out risk assessments.
Five steps of risk assessment.
How to identify the Hazard
Who may be harmed
Risk evaluation and plan on precaution
Record your observations and put them into practice.
Review your risks assessments and update if necessary
Manual Handling risk assessments.
Assessing Risks
Assessing the individual move
Evaluating and controlling Risks using TILE
T -Task
I - Individual
L - Load
E - Environment or Equipment
Manual handling risk assessing methods
Ways to Reduce Risk
Personal Protective Equipment
COSHH Control Measures
Ensuring Risks remain controlled through planned management.
Emergency Procedures in workplaces.

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